ASA 105, Coastal Navigation
Earn your official ASA 105 Certification by completing this online course from Starpath.COURSE OVERVIEW
Use of U.S. Coast Guard navigation publications and resources required for prudent navigation in local areas. Decipher chart symbols and conventions on U.S. nautical charts in accordance with terminology using:
‣ Large scale charts of the area and Chart #1
‣ Federal Requirements for Recreational Boats
‣ USCG Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook
‣ State small vessel regulations
‣ Local rules and regulations, if applicable
‣ Local cruising guides
‣ Tide and current tables, (paper or electronic)
‣ List of lights, buoys, and fog signals
Measuring and plotting direction and distance, bearings and courses, and speed-time-distance calculations. Plot a chart position from terrestrial objects using:
‣ Two or more bearings on different objects taken at one time.
‣ Bearings at different times (i.e. a running fix).
‣ One bearing and transit range.
‣ One distance (i.e. a sounding or dipping a light) and one bearing.
Converting courses and bearings between true, magnetic, and compass. Determine a course to steer which takes into account known current and leeway:
‣ Check compass deviation by a transit bearing or other means.
‣ Allow for the effect of current and leeway to plot the estimated position.
Causes of tides and currents and using tables to predict the height of tide as well as the set and drift of current. Use of tide charts and current tables to find:
‣ Times and heights of tides at reference and secondary ports.
‣ Direction and rate of current at referenced and secondary stations.
You can reasonably expect to spend approximately 40 to 60 hours on this course, depending on how much optional material you choose to cover. You will have the option to control how much work you do during each session and work at your own pace.
With the exception of plotting tools, all course materials are provided including printed textbook, workbook, training chart, and multiple additional electronic resources. The Inland and Coastal Navigation online course with Starpath utilizes a free, open-source navigation program called OpenCPN. This versatile, well-designed program offers many useful features and, combined with Starpath’s training chart 18456tr, students will have the ability to solve nav problems electronically to compare with traditional paper chart solutions.
Each Starpath course includes free access to online resources and discussion groups. Starpath has instructors in three different time zones monitoring these groups so, should any question arise, simply post it in the Student Discussion Forum for a quick answer — or search the forum to see if an answer to your question already exists.ASA Certification
A certification & seal for your logbook.1 year access
You have one year to complete the course or request an extension.
ASA 105
Coastal Navigation
Learn practical navigation on inland and coastal waters, including chart reading, piloting, and more.
ASA 107
Celestial Navigation
ASA 117
Basic Celestial Endorsement
Learn to apply basic celestial navigation theory and to determine latitude and longitude at sea.
ASA 119
Marine Weather Endorsement
ASA 120
Radar Endorsement
Please register for one or more of the Starpath courses below.
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