Dawn Light Ocean Sailing School
Toucheng Township , Taiwan
+( 886) 292-880-9651 | www.dawnlightocean.com.tw

Dawn Light Ocean Sailing School is located at Wushi Harbour in Toucheng (GPS: N24°52’07” E121°50’25). It has good transport connections. It’s a place where attracts many visitors during weekends and holidays to come here to surf, paragliding.

Our training boat is a well-known French Jeanneau OS 33i and the Turtle Island area is our main training passage for ASA courses between April and November. The practical courses of mileage building taking place between November and March are to sail along the east coast of Taiwan (West Pacific Ocean), around the south of Taiwan, and to Tainan.

Our aims are to enrich students to acquire a pleasant and meaning life style of belief and experience through the promotion of training courses and activities in sailing. Students can systematically learn about the knowledge of sailboats and sailing skills which enable them to sail independently and safely.

We adopt the American Sailing Association’s tutoring materials and certification system which is widely recognized internationally. Upon the completion of ASA 104 Bareboat Cruising certification, an international proficiency certificate will be provided to enable you to charter a bare boat in Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. In order to gain the practical experience of bare boat chartering, the school will assist students to organize a bare boat chartering trip abroad.

晨光海洋帆船學校位於台灣宜蘭縣頭城烏石港,此地交通便捷,假 日遊人如織,衝浪、飛行傘、頭城老街、蘭陽博物館、龜山島等等都吸引人駐足。 本校以一艘優質的法國進口巡航船 Jeaneau OS 33 i 供訓練使用,以龜山島海域為主要訓練場地。每
年 4-11 月於此實施 ASA(American Sailing Association)帆船教育訓練課程,11-3 月實務航海課程,沿台 灣東部太平洋海域航行至台灣西南部台灣海峽海域,以利學員在課後精進帆船技能,累積航海經
本校秉持「帆船航海是歡愉的(pleasant life)、美好的(good life)、有意義的(meaningful life)休 閒,創造難忘的生活和人生」的信念,專注推廣帆船教育與活動,讓熱愛帆船的朋友有系統獲得帆 船知識和航海技能,並在課後陪伴航行,至終能獨立而安全航海。
我們採用美國 ASA(American Sailing Association)教材與認證系統,為國際普遍承認;於完成光船租賃 巡航課程(ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising)認證後,提供國際精練證書(International Proficiency Certificate, IPC),以便在大多數歐洲/地中海水域租船時,證明光船租賃航行的能力;為獲得實際租船經驗,協 助學員組團至國外租船航行。

American Sailing Certifications Offered

ASA 101, Keelboat Sailing 1
ASA 101, Keelboat Sailing 1
Learn to skipper a 20' - 27' sloop-rigged keelboat by day, in light to moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, helm commands, basic sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and safety including basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards.
ASA 103, Coastal Cruising
ASA 103, Coastal Cruising
Learn to skipper a sloop-rigged auxiliary powered 25'-35' keelboat by day in moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn cruising sailboat terminology, basic boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, docking procedures, intermediate sail trim, navigation rules, basic coastal navigation, anchoring, weather, safety and seamanship.
ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising
ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising
Learn how to sail a sloop-rigged, auxiliary powered 30'-45' sailboat during a multi-day cruise upon inland/coastal waters in moderate/heavy winds and sea conditions. Learn about provisioning, boat systems, auxiliary engines, advanced sail trim, coastal navigation, anchoring / mooring, docking, emergency operations, weather, and more.
ASA 106, Advanced Coastal Cruising
ASA 106, Advanced Coastal Cruising
Learn to safely act as skipper and crew of a sailing vessel about 30 to 50 feet in length in coastal and inland waters, in any conditions.
ASA 118, Docking Endorsement
ASA 118, Docking Endorsement
The successful sailor will have the knowledge and skills to safely and competently dock and maneuver a sailboat under auxiliary power in a variety of conditions. Includes knowledge of steering and propulsion theory, wind and current, single and double-rudder monohulls, catamarans, safety precautions, knots and line handling, fixed and floating docks.

Contact Information

Dawn Light Ocean Sailing School

Address Dawn Light Ocean Sailing SchoolNo. 135,Wushigang Rd.Toucheng Township Yilan County 26144Taiwan
Phone +( 886) 292-880-9651
Website www.dawnlightocean.com.tw

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