Honolulu Sailing
Honolulu, Hawaii
| (808) 239-3900 | www.honsail.com

Started business in 1974.  Owned wide variety of boats now concentrating on popular worldwide charter boat models such as the Beneteau 393
20+years sailing Hawaiian waters.  ASA member since 1998.  Sailing conditions outside of our harbor are the best.  Trade winds 12-22knts most days and flat seas because the wind blow offshore of the island.

We offer the same courses but the amazing amount of life experiences on the ocean that our instructors have shows in their patience and always positive attitude.  We enjoy a lot of repeat customers and referrals. Hard to beat the good sailing conditions our location has to offer.  Boats used are late model Beneteaus that are also popular bareboat charter boats used by moorings and Sunsail.

Besides 101-104 courses we also offer passage making courses to the farthest out islands like Kauai and Hawaii Island for those wishing to earn the advanced sailing (106) certificate.
Also, even our one week bareboat class will cover 200 Miles in a week, will anchor in at least 12 different anchorages and harbors, visit 4-5 islands, have sailing conditions ranging from 10-30knts.

American Sailing Certifications Offered

ASA 101, Keelboat Sailing 1
ASA 101, Keelboat Sailing 1
Learn to skipper a 20' - 27' sloop-rigged keelboat by day, in light to moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, helm commands, basic sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and safety including basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards.
ASA 103, Coastal Cruising
ASA 103, Coastal Cruising
Learn to skipper a sloop-rigged auxiliary powered 25'-35' keelboat by day in moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn cruising sailboat terminology, basic boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, docking procedures, intermediate sail trim, navigation rules, basic coastal navigation, anchoring, weather, safety and seamanship.
ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising
ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising
Learn how to sail a sloop-rigged, auxiliary powered 30'-45' sailboat during a multi-day cruise upon inland/coastal waters in moderate/heavy winds and sea conditions. Learn about provisioning, boat systems, auxiliary engines, advanced sail trim, coastal navigation, anchoring / mooring, docking, emergency operations, weather, and more.
ASA 106, Advanced Coastal Cruising
ASA 106, Advanced Coastal Cruising
Learn to safely act as skipper and crew of a sailing vessel about 30 to 50 feet in length in coastal and inland waters, in any conditions.

Other Services Available

  • Private Courses
  • Weekday Courses
  • Weekend Courses
  • Corporate Team Building Courses
  • ASA 'Challenges'
  • Day Sail Charters (public)
  • Sunset Cruises
  • Racing Courses

Contact Information

Honolulu Sailing

Address Kewalo Basin Harbor1125 Ala Moana Blvd.HonoluluHI96814United States
Phone (808) 239-3900
Website www.honsail.com
Social Media

Contact Sailing School

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