Feb. 15, 2023Sailing with Spinnaker Sailing – Redwood CitySailing out of Redwood City in San Francisco is best done with the experts at Spinnaker Sailing, with over 3 decades worth of sailing education experience.
Feb. 15, 2023Sailing with Spinnaker Sailing – Redwood CitySailing out of Redwood City in San Francisco is best done with the experts at Spinnaker Sailing, with over 3 decades worth of sailing education experience. Read More >
Feb. 05, 2021Sailing in San Francisco with Spinnaker SailingSpend any time in San Francisco and you’ll be hard-pressed to ignore the Bay. While the sourdough bread bowls and cable cars get a lot of press along with the world-class dining and Golden Gate bridge; the sailing in the Bay is what should attract you to this Northern California city. Be careful not to leave your heart here and
Feb. 05, 2021Sailing in San Francisco with Spinnaker SailingSpend any time in San Francisco and you’ll be hard-pressed to ignore the Bay. While the sourdough bread bowls and cable cars get a lot of press along with the world-class dining and Golden Gate bridge; the sailing in the Bay is what should attract you to this Northern California city. Be careful not to leave your heart here and Read More >
Aug. 14, 2013Upcoming ASA events at the America’s CupThe America’s Cup, one of the world’s greatest sporting spectacles, and the biggest event in competitive sailing, is underway right now in San Francisco! Check the schedule below to see the upcoming events ASA has going on, and watch this space for updates! (Are you an ASA school hosting a Bay Area America’s Cup event? Contact us to get it
Aug. 14, 2013Upcoming ASA events at the America’s CupThe America’s Cup, one of the world’s greatest sporting spectacles, and the biggest event in competitive sailing, is underway right now in San Francisco! Check the schedule below to see the upcoming events ASA has going on, and watch this space for updates! (Are you an ASA school hosting a Bay Area America’s Cup event? Contact us to get it Read More >
Jun. 10, 2013Saturday by the Bay – America’s Cup 2013TWO 19TH CENTURY MARITIME TRADITIONS COME TOGETHER FOR ONE AFTERNOON Literarily speaking, aquatic travel for recreation began in 1857 with Henry David Thoreau’s Canoeing in Wilderness. Common sense dictates that he was hardly the first to cast off with no grander purpose in mind, but the pastime was undoubtedly new—a primitive luxury afforded by the vast, sparsely populated American landscape.
Jun. 10, 2013Saturday by the Bay – America’s Cup 2013TWO 19TH CENTURY MARITIME TRADITIONS COME TOGETHER FOR ONE AFTERNOON Literarily speaking, aquatic travel for recreation began in 1857 with Henry David Thoreau’s Canoeing in Wilderness. Common sense dictates that he was hardly the first to cast off with no grander purpose in mind, but the pastime was undoubtedly new—a primitive luxury afforded by the vast, sparsely populated American landscape. Read More >