Sep. 12, 2022Cruising Catamaran QuizSo you’re thinking about chartering a nice sized cruising cat or maybe you’re even thinking about buying one. Here’s a fun quiz to see what you know about these beautiful beasts that sail fast and are amazing at an anchorage.
Sep. 12, 2022Cruising Catamaran QuizSo you’re thinking about chartering a nice sized cruising cat or maybe you’re even thinking about buying one. Here’s a fun quiz to see what you know about these beautiful beasts that sail fast and are amazing at an anchorage. Read More >
Aug. 01, 2022Catamaran Sailing – What’s the Difference?Over the last 25 years, catamarans have seen a massive rise in popularity among charterers, cruisers, and even the casual daysailor. Curious about catamaran sailing? Here’s some basic information you need to know: What is a Catamaran? A traditional sailboat is a monohull–in other words, it has only one hull centered around a heavy keel. A catamaran is balanced on
Aug. 01, 2022Catamaran Sailing – What’s the Difference?Over the last 25 years, catamarans have seen a massive rise in popularity among charterers, cruisers, and even the casual daysailor. Curious about catamaran sailing? Here’s some basic information you need to know: What is a Catamaran? A traditional sailboat is a monohull–in other words, it has only one hull centered around a heavy keel. A catamaran is balanced on Read More >
Jan. 19, 2021Cruise Abaco KudosWe recently heard from Edward Bucklin Jr who had some wonderful things to say about one of our ASA Certified Sailing Schools – Cruise Abaco…
Jan. 19, 2021Cruise Abaco KudosWe recently heard from Edward Bucklin Jr who had some wonderful things to say about one of our ASA Certified Sailing Schools – Cruise Abaco… Read More >
Jun. 13, 2012Get Your Catamaran Sailing CertificationThe catamaran is rapidly becoming one of the world’s most popular types of cruising sailboats. For the uninitiated, a catamaran is a boat balanced on two hulls, as opposed to the traditional monohull, and its sleek design Why the rise in popularity of catamaran sailing? There are a number of reasons. They can feel more spacious, and they don’t heel
Jun. 13, 2012Get Your Catamaran Sailing CertificationThe catamaran is rapidly becoming one of the world’s most popular types of cruising sailboats. For the uninitiated, a catamaran is a boat balanced on two hulls, as opposed to the traditional monohull, and its sleek design Why the rise in popularity of catamaran sailing? There are a number of reasons. They can feel more spacious, and they don’t heel Read More >