2023 New Year’s Resolutions for Sailors

By: Sailing Fun

2022 is in the rearview mirror so we look forward.  It is that time of the year when we make a few resolutions that we dare not break. We make a few declarations about opportunities past and goals for the future.  If we learned anything from the past couple of years is that life can change in an instant, and the things that we take for granted can simply vanish.

2023 will bring us back.

2023 is when we get everything back to where we intend it to be.

Intro to Sailing

American Sailing has introduced a new Online Intro to Sailing Course that is the first step to reaching your potential as a sailor. 2023 is the year that you start your sailing education.

Let’s make some New Year’s Sailing resolutions that we will stick to.

Sail More

More people went to the water and found solace in sailing in 2022.  The ocean is a place that sailors retreat to for their own therapy, recreation and pleasure. In 2023 we will sail more.  Join a sailing club, meet people on the GoSailing app or join our Facebook Group and talk about sailing.

Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ” – P.S. I Love You by H. Jackson Brown Jr.  (often misquoted as Mark Twain)

Bareboat Charter

Maybe you never got to take the dream charter in 2020 or 2021 or 2022. No problem. Do it in 2023. The best way to prepare for this is by ensuring you have ASA 101, ASA 103, and ASA 104 completed, but just having your certifications is not enough. You’ll need to sail more so you can safely and confidently take the helm of your own bareboat charter. Also, start talking to a few people you know will want to be on that boat with you. Most importantly, find a destination that will motivate you to keep your promise to yourself that you will plan that bareboat charter. Can you see yourself on the deck of a catamaran?  We can! You‘ll look good. Take a look at our charter options with American Sailing Schools and Partners. 2023 is the year that you venture out on your own charter.

Sail Arabella

ASA charters on Arabella will return in 2023! We know you have seen all of the pictures we have posted and you keep saying you want to go on a mega sailing yacht. This is the year that you will do it. Visit the British Virgin Islands or head to the islands of New England. You are going to do it and it will be a blast. ASA members love these special charters.  

Check the Arabella sailing schedule for 2023 sailing dates.

Expand Your Sailing Knowledge

This is it, this is the year when you get your Bareboat Cruising or Advanced Coastal Cruising certifications. You talk about sailing more and this is the best way to get out there. Find an ASA  school near you and work on expanding your sailing knowledge. Have you considered Celestial Navigation or learning about Cruising Catamarans?

Find a Sailing School Near You: https://asa.com/learn-to-sail/

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Treat Sailing Like a Bill That Must Be Paid

It can be difficult to make time to sail but treat it as a necessary component of your life. Schedule it. Plan it. Do it. The therapeutic nature of sailing should be required of everyone and you must make time for it. This is the New Year’s resolution that you have to adhere to. Your sanity requires that you sail more.

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Use The Go Sailing App to Find New Sailing Friends

Download the app and start making connections with other people who want to sail. It’s free and it is easy. You no longer have an excuse to not sail.

Download the App and Go Sailing! https://gosailingapp.com/