Bite Sized Lessons : Apparent Wind

By: Learn To Sail

We know that learning to sail can be overwhelming and there is a lot to take in. In an effort to help we’ve created a series of “Bite Sized Lessons” taken straight out of our textbooks – Sailing Made Easy and Coastal Cruising Made Easy.

In this lesson we take a look at the concept of apparent wind. This important concept often confuses beginner sailors so this video should help everyone better understand the relationship between true wind and apparent wind.

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The Art of Sailing

  • Understanding Points of Sail The direction of the wind dictates the direction a sailboat can sail. The Points of Sail describe the range of courses a sailboat can and cannot travel.
  • Understanding the Sails The sail is the driving force of the boat. A sailboat is only as good as its sails when you consider that capturing the wind’s energy is the premise behind what sailors do to propel their boats in a forward direction.
  • Understanding the Wind A sailor’s world revolves around the wind and staying aware of the wind’s direction is crucial. Your ability to accurately sense changes in the wind, its speed and its direction will improve as you learn.
  • Find a Sailing School and take sailing lessons to improve your sailing skills.