Free Sailing Content From ASA

By: Elearn, Learn To Sail

Most of us sailors are sitting at our desks attempting to work while fantasizing about sailing. The weekend can’t come soon enough and that bareboat charter vacation is still just a dream.

Don’t fantasize about sailing, do something about it!

Let’s learn something about sailing instead. The American Sailing Association has a series of free videos with tips and instructions to help you work on your sailing education when you can’t get to the water.

Your First Sail

Take a Free Online Sailing Course

Take a look at Your First Sail, the American Sailing Association’s short, fun online sailing course that is designed to familiarize you with the world of sailing. The course takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to complete and after completion, you’ll understand how a sailboat works, the common commands used to steer one, and some basic sailing terminology.

Need to try your hand at sailing while still inside the house? Try the Sailing Challenge App. This cutting edge gaming app allows you to utilize your sailing skills in an interactive and entertaining format. Whether you are a novice or an old salt you’ll be hooked on sailing from the comfort of your home soon.

Video tip: Wind direction
Video tip: Wind direction

Sailing Made Easy

Take advantage of your free time with these free sailing tips from the American Sailing Association. ASA’s free Sailing Made Easy tips will help you pass the time while confined to your home and help you bolster your sailing knowledge.  Choose from topics such as Tacking and Gybing to Docking and Winches. These short videos can be watched here.

Knots Made Easy - Square Knot
Knots Made Easy – Square Knot

Knots Made Easy

Downtime is perfect for working on your ability to tie knots. How many of us sailors know all of the knots that we should? Take a look at the free ASA Knots Made Easy videos and perfect your skills with any line on your boat.

Anchoring Basics an ASA Bite Sized Lessons
Anchoring Basics an ASA Bite-Sized Lessons

Bite-Sized Lessons

So you’re stuck at home but you are still quite busy trying to navigate your work duties in the new online environment? No problem, ASA’s free Bite-Sized Lessons are perfect for quick reference as well as to brush up on your sailing skills. They are short, informative and you can watch them over and over.

Docking Made Easy - Cruising Catamarans Preview
Docking Made Easy – Cruising Catamarans Preview

Docking Made Easy: An American Sailing Association Educational Series

Learn how to dock a sailboat under sail, or under power, in a variety of different scenarios. Sailing legend Peter Isler walks us through the process using animations, illustrations, and live-action footage.

Inside Sailing - Tracy Edwards, Skipper of Maiden
Inside Sailing – Tracy Edwards, Skipper of Maiden

Inside Sailing

ASA launched a free video series called “Inside Sailing” to connect sailors with prominent and or interesting figures in the world of sailing. Watch a few of these entertaining episodes but be warned they will increase your desire to sail.

We also offer ASA Premium Content available to our members at reduced prices!

ASA Webinars

Join 2x America’s Cup Winner and Best Selling author, Peter Isler, on a series of webinars that cover topics from Sailing Safety to cruising to navigation. Check out our list of webinars on our Webinar Library page!

Online ASA Courses

By special arrangement, because of the “one fathom social distancing” plan, Starpath made their ASA-approved online courses available to all. Since then they have been a hit! There are four courses to choose from; ASA 105 Coastal Navigation, ASA 107 Celestial Navigation, ASA 119 Marine Weather Endorsement, and ASA 120 Radar Endorsement. All the courses allow students to study at their own pace and include opportunities to interact with instructors. At the end of the course, all graduating students earn official ASA certifications.