ASA's Inside Sailing

Inside Sailing – Tom Simmons, Director of ‘Coyote: The Mike Plant Story’

By: Inside Sailing

We’re proud to announce a new video series called “ASA’s Inside Sailing,” where we conduct on-camera interviews with prominent and/or interesting figures in the world of sailing.

In our inaugural episode, we spotlight Tom Simmons, Director of Coyote: The Mike Plant Story (trailer). In his feature length documentary Simmons delves deep into the life of American solo-sailor Mike Plant who was both an extremely daring sailor and a very compelling character. In our interview, we ask Simmons (also the nephew of Plant) what he learned about sailing, filmmaking and himself after the immersive process of directing this extraordinarily well-made and in-depth biography.

Watch the full movie, ‘Coyote: The Mike Plant Story‘ on these platforms: iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, GooglePlay, VUDU, Vimeo.
See other episodes of ASA’s Inside Sailing
