Captain Ann Brainard began sailing as a young girl on Lake Michigan. A few years later, Captain Bob Kruk hopped on board his own sailboat on the eastern Great Lakes. Many boats later, Ann and Bob met and left it all—suburbia and business careers—to go sailing full time. Preparation began in 2008 that included earning their American Sailing Association Instructor Certifications and USCG Captains licenses.
Ann’s book, Selah in the Storm written under her pen name of Ana Donovitch, has just been released. From the deck of a sun-kissed sailboat off the coast of the Florida Keys, to the fluorescent-lit hallways of the trauma unit, this true story takes you on a suspenseful adventure of a husband and wife ASA Instructor team as they pursue their dreams of a sailing school. In the moments of a sunset, TRAUMA hits them not at sea, but on the coral gravel of the roadside. Ann and Bob’s story of going for their dream and turning the winds of trauma inspires hope, humor, and the realization that no matter what the circumstances, we always have a choice.