Famous Sailors Isler and Dickson Battle for Record in ASA’s Sailing Challenge Game

By: Apps

On the heels of our announcement that America’s Cup veteran and legendary sailor Peter Isler has set a time record on ASA’s Sailing Challenge phone game, now another heavy-weight sailor has gotten into the mix and beat Isler’s time! Scott Dickson, match-racing champion, has hit the virtual racetrack and found a groove. Like his consistently stellar track record in the Congressional Cup, Dickson has taken his top-level match-racing skill set to the Sailing Challenge game and raised the bar. Isler and Dickson have been teammates in match races, inshore regattas and offshore events… but when it comes to the Sailing Challenge game they describe themselves as mortal frenemies! The ultra-competitive Isler will have something to say about this – you can bet on it. Set your own record time – Download Now ⟩⟩

We’re going to keep track as the competition progresses…

news-2016-10-avatar-peter-isler My name is Peter Isler and I set the new record at 1m 51s
Scotty Dickson here, I just did a 1m 49s news-2016-10-avatar-scotty-dickson
news-2016-10-avatar-peter-isler Really?? Game on!
news-2016-10-avatar-peter-isler 1 minute and… (wait for it) 48 seconds!
I just clocked a 1m 47s news-2016-10-avatar-scotty-dickson
Just shaved off a second to score 1m 46s news-2016-10-avatar-scotty-dickson
news-2016-10-avatar-peter-isler Good job! But 1m 42s is the new time to beat!

We call on all the sailing greats to get involved! Coutts? Spithill? Barker? What are you doing? Let’s make this interesting!

⟨⟨ Download ASA’s Sailing Challenge App Today⟩⟩