The Gift Of Literacy

By: Partners, Sweepstakes

Last year the American Sailing Association, together with our friends and members, helped Hands Across The Sea improve the lives of children in the Caribbean. This year we want to continue helping and making a difference – click here if you want to donate & enter the 2016 Caribbean Getaway Sweepstakes

In 2015…

  • We helped buy and send 35,469 brand new, amazingly great Hands Wish Lists books.
  • We helped buy and send 56 encyclopedia sets and 28 boxes of literacy resources.
  • We helped assist 103 schools, community libraries, reading programs, and youth centers.
  • We helped create school libraries where none existed before.
  • We helped rejuvenate dormant school libraries and turn them into exciting lending libraries.

Overall, we made a lasting difference in the lives of over 22,700 Caribbean pre-school, primary school, and high school children. We helped stoke a love of reading that will change their lives forever. If you want to help please donate & enter the 2016 Caribbean Getaway Sweepstakes

Below are some of the thank-you cards that we have received.