The Summer issue of the American Sailing Journal (available here) includes:

What do you get when you sprinkle a helping of education into an already awesome vacation? Answer: A Sailing Fun Experience, which is also the name of a great new program the American Sailing Association is spearheading with Beaches Resorts. Continue reading on page 3

What are Phytoplankton? They are microscopic, plant-like cells that live at the sunlit sea surface and they begin the marine food chain. Like plants on land, phytoplankton use the sun’s energy to combine carbon dioxide and water to create sugar and oxygen in the process known as photosynthesis. Continue reading on page 8

The Tartan 4000 is a performance cruiser in the truest sense of the word in that it is a boat that does well on all points of sail and takes good care of its crew whether underway or at anchor. The Tartan 4000 design embodies all of the recent Tartan leading technologies and advanced performance cruising conveniences. Continue reading on page 10

And just where is Malta? So many people ask this and you just might be asking yourself the same thing. Well, get ready to jump feet first into a country that is spectacularly beautiful and historically fascinating. Continue reading on page 12

One basic definition of “dead reckoning” is “operating a vessel using only information available directly on the boat.” This time, we expand that a little and cover apps that simplify measurements frequently done onboard. Continue reading on page 15
Download the Summer Edition of ASJ for these articles and lot’s more great tips and stories from the world of sailing.
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