Latest IQC Graduates

By: Instructors

IQC Graduates

Left to right standing are Anal Pal, Alex Athougies, Bob Diamond, Mark Thurber and Darren Gray. Seated are Alexander Ohlgart and John Zolck.

The most recent Instructor Qualification Clinic at Spinnaker Sailing in Redwood City (in the southern part of San Francisco Bay) began last Friday, January 16. Last weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) was the Basic Keelboat Instructor Clinic for the six candidates in shown in the picture above.

The clinic continues another weekend, January 24-25 for BCC and BBC (see complete 2015 IQC Schedule). Mark is continuing to Basic Coastal Cruising on Saturday. Anil and Alexander are continuing all the way through Bareboat Cruising. One more candidate (not in the photo) will be joining us next weekend. Darrell Wooten is already a Basic Coastal Cruising Instructor and will be upgrading to Bareboat Instructor.

If you look closely in the photo you’ll see the shirt Anil is wearing is from ASA St. Martin Flotilla. He’s been a skipper in the Spinnaker flotillas a number of times in Europe and the Caribbean. In April he’s going to be a skipper in our Tahiti flotilla and now as a certified Bareboat instructor.

Alexander is already a German licensed sailor and is the owner of a Beneteau 39 in the Spinnaker fleet. He has also earned his ASA Celestial Navigation certification. Nearly all of the candidates have been sailing and have taken classes at Spinnaker.

Congratulations to all our graduating instructors and good to all those continuing their instructor education.
