Photos from ASA’s 2011 Exuma Islands Flotilla, Bahamas

By: American Sailing Association, Flotillas, Members

Enjoy this selection of excellent photos from ASA’s 2011 Exuma Islands flotilla, thanks to member Carole Walsh. This remote series of cays, known locally as the “Out Islands,” are one of our many popular flotilla destinations. It’s a very unique trip–you learn to sail small boats, camp on the beaches at night, and hang out with the local wildlife (see below). The folks on this trip earned their ASA 110 “Basic Small Boat Sailing” certifications, by the way, handling the gorgeous Sea Pearl 21 boats.

Click here to find out more about ASA’s flotillas, including Greece, Croatia, Tahiti, the Gulf of Mexico, Southern California, and more.


Scouting out the Out Islands!

charter checkout

Flotilla leader Dallas Knowles explains the unique Sea Pearl 21 sailboat. This will be the sailors' floating home for the week.

sea pearl sailing

The Sea Pearls in action.

farmers cay po

The festive looking P.O. on Farmers Cay!


A local.


Some more island residents. Everyone's so friendly!

sailboat sunset

Carib looking good in the evening.

foot in water

Wouldn't you like to dip your toe in that tropical water?

The whole gang looking tanned and happy at trip's end!

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