With the basics of ASA 101 embedded and your foundation solid there's no reason to stop now!
The next step of your sailing education will truly be life changing. ASA 103 and 104 courses prepare you to really sail. To have safe, successful and credible adventures that you'll never forget.
ASA 103 introduces you to bigger boats and walks you through the more complicated systems that are involved. You'll be familiarized with diesel engines, charts, weather, emergency safety, docking, crew management, and much more. Quality instructors will patiently bring you up to speed so you're confident and competent to sail long passages and see the world from this very special vantage point.
A successful 103 class dovetails perfectly into ASA 104. And 104 will give you the skills to head out even further and prepare you for the thrill of bareboat chartering in exotic locations. You'll learn about provisioning, the correct ways to pick up a mooring, anchoring, heaving to, and international protocols.
These courses lay the ground work and foundation for a lifetime of safe and enjoyable sailing. Decades of refinement have gone into the curriculum and these certifications are recognized throughout the world.
We like to say 103 will set you free and with 104 there's even more...
So don't wait. Live an adventurous life full of deep friendships, good times, and lots of sailing.
Now is the time to register for ASA 103 Coastal Cruising or ASA 104 Bareboat Cruising. To find a school near you, visit