Get your Boater Education Card or Boating License ONLINE! By taking a boating safety course with the American Sailing Association’s partner,™, you help make our waterways safer and more enjoyable. Your boater education card may help you avoid fines from states where mandatory boater education laws are in effect, and may also entitle you to a reduction on your marine insurance.

Logo_USCGLogo_NASBLA Online Boating License and Certification Course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety.™ is the leading provider of safe boater education across North America. Their boating safety course helps boaters to meet state education requirements and to obtain their boater education card or boating license online.

At™, there is a Pay only when you Pass policy. There is no cost to retry the exam if you do not pass. You will receive your score and be allowed to review any of your wrong answers. You can then review the course material and take the exam again at no cost to you. Once you have passed the exam, the cost of the exam will be $29.95. There is no additional cost for your Boater Education Card which will be mailed to your home within 3-5 weeks. After completing the exam, use the American Sailing Association Pomotional Code BEXASAX and receive $5.00 off.

Get Started Today On Your Education Card By Selecting Your State: